Experts of Standart&Poors remarked that IDGC of Centre, JSC performs the best information disclosure in the part of member structure and work procedures of the Board of Directors as well as the management of the Company: the company got the rate 65 of this group of indicators, this result exceeds the rate of the leaders of the research (in this information block) “RusGidro”, JSC and “INTER RAO UES”, JSC by rate 7 and the average rate among electric power companies by rate 24,2.
Standard&Poor’s used 110 criteria related to the structure of property and rights of shareholders of the company, financial and operating information as well as member structure and work procedure of the Board of Directors and management to estimate information transparency. In research S&P analyzed the information available from public sources, at that information disclosure was considered by specialists from international investor’s point of view. Experts took in account information disclosure in English as well.
As Tatiana Kulbakina, the Director for the Corporate Relations of IDGC of Centre, JSC, remarked, information transparency is enormously important either for the shareholders of the Company, so for investors that take decision to acquire its securities. In this connection the Company intends to increase the information transparency level in future as well, upgrading disclosure practice.