25 November 2009

Oleg Korolyov, head of administration of Lipetsk region, Nikolay Shvets, General Director of IDGC Holding, JSC, Evgeny Makarov, General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC, Alexander Konanykhin, Deputy General Director— Director of the branch of IDGC of Centre, JSC — “Lipetskenergo”, representatives of administration of Lipetsk region and city, of power companies and contracting organizations participated in ceremony of substation opening.
Oleg Korolyov, Head of administration of Lipetsk Region noticed in opening speech: “Opening of new modern substation — important event for whole Lipetsk region. Putting into operation of new substation will afford technical opportunity for development of infrastructure of being constructed as a part of national project “Available and comfortable housing — to the citizens of Russia” microdistricts of regional centre Eletsky and Universitetsky and for providing with electric power about 36 thousand of future residents of these districts».

New supplying centre is erected at the place of waste land in Sovetsky district of Lipetsk city. Mainly for construction of substation the following equipment of native producer as well as of leading world firms was used: “Samara-elektroshchit” (Samara city), “Tavrida Elektrik” (Russia), “Radius Avtomatika” (Zelenograd city), AVV (Switzerland — Russia), Tolyatti transformer plant (Tolyatti city), Siеmens (“Evrokontakt”, Balashikha), “Schneider Elektrik» (Germany) etc. All equipment meets the international standards. “Servis StroyTsentr” Ltd. (Lipetsk city) appeared to be the general contractor of the project. ООО “Voronezhenergoproekt” Ltd. (Voronezh city), PA “Energostroy”, JSC, “Regionstroy” Ltd. (Lipetsk city) participated in the construction of substation.
Nikolay Shvets, General Director of IDGC Holding, JSC emphasized: “New energetic capacities with modern native power equipment are formed in Lipetsk region. This is the result of fruitful work of administration of the region and of IDGC of Centre — taken decisions created conditions for business development. Power engineers should provide the economy development for some years ahead. Unfortunately, economic conditions make their correctives. We’ll hope, that regions will follow in steps of Lipetsk region and will transfer to RAB-regulation, while the result, which we observe here, allows hoping that investments will be involved into power industry. I am sure, that the substation will work reliably”.

Equipment of SS “Universitetskaya” includes two power transformers with capacity of 40 MVA each, SF 6 circuit-breakers 110 kv, vacuum circuit-breakers 10 kv ВВ/TEL, motor-operated disconnects and galvanized steel portals. Relay protection and automatic equipment are realized on the basis of microprocessing protections Micom and “Sirius”, which give possibility in real-time mode to monitor indicators of work of technological complex. Automatic information and measuring system of control and account of electric power performs data collection concerning volume of consumed electric power and gives opportunity to read indication of accounting meter remotely. Expenses for running of this type of equipment are minimal; the substation does not require permanent monitoring from operating stuff.
“It’s always a pleasure for me to visit Lipetsk region, as here due to well coordinated work with administration all issues are resolved swiftly. New capacities have not been introduced in region for a long time. It is pleasant that now situation have changed. We completed the construction of the substations “Universitetskaya”, “Sselki” and are completingthe construction of the SS “Manezhnaya”. Thus, we afforded opportunity for next successful step forward of the city and region. It’s especially pleasant, that this event happened on the eve of our professional holiday. It is a present as for citizens of Lipetsk city, so as for all power negineers”, — Evgeny Makarov, General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC said.

Alexander Konanykhin noticed that completion of work on construction of SS-110 kv “Universitetskaya” became possible due to implementation since January 1, 2009 of RAB-regulation in region. New modern power facility enhanced security of supply of the city and region. Due to putting into operation of SS “Universitetskaya” 80 MVA of additional capacity, which give firm guarantee of uninterrupted electric power supply of mew microdistricts, schools and kindergartens, sports and medical centres, hotels, business-centres, shops and restaurants appeared.
Construction and putting in operation of substation “Universitetskaya” demonstrate the innovative approach of IDGC of Centre, JSC to the development and modernization of existing grid complex of electric power industry.