Leaders of trade union organizations discussed actions of trade unions directed to advancement of more successful development of the Company and to increase of raising of labour productivity повышение, improvement and legal adjustment of mutual relations of PTUO of IDGC of Centre, JSC with regional organizations of AREP. Members of trade union committee exchanged operational information about social situation in work collective, determined tasks concerning participation of trade union committees in preparation and holding of professional holiday Power Engineer’s Day and New Year in work collectives.
Alexey Krasavin Professor of Higher School of Economics under the President of the Russian Federation told the participants of the meeting about peculiarities of social and economic development of the country at the present stage, about role and tasks of trade unions in formation of social and labour relations and perspectives of their further development.
One of the main agendas of the meeting was discussion of trade union work development in the interests of the Company’s competitive growth. Viktor Ablezgov noticed: “We tried to understand and to determine, which ways we should follow to improve efficiency of production process, to make people work more responsibly, in good faith, to increase their professional skill, to improve results of work”.
During meeting a number of organizational issues regarding proposals for introductions of additions into collective bargain agreement connected with support of veterans, with labour protection items and so on was considered. Regulations on certificate of merit and commendation of PTUO of IDGC of Centre, JSC and plan of work of trade union committee were approved.