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Contractors of IDGC of Centre got admission to construction works in 2010

25 December 2009

In accordance with the legislation State Construction Licenses that have been being issued by the Federal Licensing Centre previously will lose effect since January 1, 2010. Now this function is transferred to professional community of constructors, which have established Non-commercial Partnership “Energostroy” for this purposes. At the moment Non-commercial Partnership consists of 226 contractor organizations of IDGC Holding, JSC, «RusGidro», JSC, IDGC of Centre, JSC, enterprises of thermal power. 

Rustem Nabiullin, Deputy General Director for the Capital Construction of IDGC of Centre, JSC noted: «Admission to construction works is the essential condition for normal operation of organizations in the field of construction. In order to fulfill the requirements of Power Construction Code contractor organizations performed all set tasks in due time, submitted necessary documents. We are starting the new year with new regulatory base and new requirements. I am sure that this undertaking will promote reliability increase of our power complex». 

When “Energostroy” was granted the status of self-regulatory organization in November 2009, it became the authorized supervisory body for issue of certificates of admission of specialized organizations to construction works in electric power industry and control over fulfillment of adopted self-regulation rules by organizations.

Leonty An, Executive Director of Non-commercial Partnership “Energostroy”, noted: «We are at the start of development of electric power industry self-regulation. We are facing responsible tasks. Within short enough period of time we have to estimate real opportunities for execution of works by members of the partnership, their professional level, including those related to extremely hazardous, technically complicated and unique items of the capital construction». 


For reference:
Non-commercial Partnership “«Energostroy» /NP «Energostroy»/ Association of organizations that perform construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of power items, grids and substations” was established in July 2009 and is the association of professional community of constructors for the purposes of transfer of participants of construction market of power supply network items from licensing system to principles and mechanisms of self-regulation. IDGC Holding, JSC is one of initiators of establishment of the organization. The new structure carries out standardization and issue of certificates of admission to works that influence on safety of capital construction items. Alexey Sannikov, Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding, JSC, is the President of the organization.

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