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Kostroma branch of IDGC of Centre effectively fights against electricity theft


IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division summed up the implementation of measures to identify and curb non-metered and non-contractual electricity consumption for 10 months of 2018.

In the course of the raid work carried out by personnel of Distribution Zones and the branch’s electricity metering office, 612 facts of illegal consumption of electric energy were revealed, including 47 facts together with specialists of the security unit. The total volume of identified non-metered and non-contractual energy consumption was 11,194,483.76 kWh.

Special attention during the raids was paid to work with problem consumers. Their check was preceded by thorough preparation and instructing of raid participants by specialists of security subdivisions. As part of the operational-search activities, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kostroma region were involved in the raids in some cases.

The energy company reminds that the legislation provides for severe punishment in relation to energy thieves. In case of detection of a fact of theft, the offender not only must compensate for the damage to the electric grid company, but may also be brought to criminal or administrative liability. In accordance with Article 7.19 of the Code on Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for unauthorized connection to electric grids and use of electricity, an administrative penalty is imposed: for citizens up to 15 thousand rubles, and for legal entities up to 200 thousand. And in case of causing major damage, the guilty party already faces criminal liability with a punishment ranging from a large fine to imprisonment for up to two years with a fine.

Unauthorized connections can cause technological failures in the power system. Also, bona fide consumers suffer from criminal actions of offenders: due to theft, power surges occur, household appliances fail, probability of failures, fires and accidents increases.

You can report known facts of theft of electric energy by calling the round-the-clock direct line of power engineers at 8-800-50-50-115, the call is toll-free. You can also leave a message on the company's website at or send information to the e-mail at

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