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Tambovenergo took part in an open lecture dedicated to smart grids


The Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) on the site of the Institute of Power Engineering, Instrumentation and Radio Electronics held an open lecture "Smart Grids in Electric and Heat Power Engineering" for students, university entrants and all comers. The event was held within the framework of the TSTU project "Open lecture", which involves public lectures on popular science topics with participation of invited scientists, interesting guests, fascinatingly and reliably telling about innovations and researches in various fields of activity. Representatives of large resource-supplying companies of the region, as well as university professors took part in it.

IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division was represented at the lecture by the head of the energy saving and energy efficiency office Sergey Pervushin. He told the students of electricity and heat power engineering specialties about smart grids in the electric power industry. The future specialists learned about advanced technologies of "intellectualization", storage and management of electricity distribution, as well as technical solutions that can improve the efficiency of renewable energy facilities.

After the meeting with the representative of Tambovenergo, the participants noted that Sergey Pervushin’s lecture was useful and informative for them.

"Students are future specialists who will implement and operate modern technologies in the electric power industry. Every year, the controllability of electric grids and the efficiency of collecting information about their current status increase. And it is very important that future energy specialists learn about the essence of these processes, which is told from the first mouth - from specialists who deal with them systematically, on a daily basis. This is a pledge of their future successful work in the industry," stressed Sergey Pervushin.

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