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Yaroslavl power engineers told children about the rules of electrical safety


On the 6th of August specialists of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division conducted a lesson on electrical safety in the children’s health and educational centre "Oriole".

The 1st category engineer of Yaroslavl section of production safety and production control Office of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division Andrey Vinogradov told the children about the basic rules, compliance with which would allow to avoid electric shock.

Andrey showed the children warning signs, which are installed at power facilities, such as transformer substations and power line poles. He explained that ignoring these warnings could result in electric shock. At the training simulator "Gosha" he showed how to find the pulse and explained procedures for cardiac arrest.

"Gosha is a celebrity that gained popularity in numerous classes of electrical safety. Kids are curious how this dummy is designed and how it works, what material it is made of. It is fun for them to watch us demonstrate first aid techniques with it. The kids always try to revive Gosha on their own, enthusiastically performing chest thrusts, chest compressions and look for a pulse," stressed Andrey Vinogradov.


In addition to developing skills of first aid, the staff of Yarenergo presented electricians’ gear to the children: helmets, insulating boots and gloves, and allowed everyone to try these things on.

"Today the children learned many new and useful things for them: they acquainted with the profession of an electrician, tried to administer first aid to the victim, took part in a small relay. I believe that these measures will help better remember and understand the basic rules that must be followed in order to avoid electrical shock," shared her observation Counselor of team 6 Anna Semenova.

This was the final lesson within the action, code-named "The Area of ​​Safety". "The Area of Safety" is a joint project of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division, the Regional Government, the Regional EMERCOM Office, the Federal Drug Control Service, the traffic police, the company "Gazprom gas distribution of Yaroslavl" and the Yaroslavl Chamber Theatre. In the course of this action during the summer representatives of these companies and institutions visited camps for children in the Yaroslavl region, where in the form of quizzes and relays in an accessible language for the kids explained how to behave safely on the road, while handling gas and electrical appliances, and a number of other situations in life.

With the onset of the school year IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division will continue to conduct lessons on electrical safety at schools and educational institutions in the region.

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