This year the implementation of measures for the protection of labour of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division is planned at about 85 million rubles, which is 12% more than in the past. Most of the funds - 85% - will be aimed at provision of staff uniforms, footwear and personal protective equipment that are resistant to effects of arcing.
In order to ensure comprehensive protection of people the company acquires pool winter and summer sets of uniforms, cotton underwear, footwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE). The heat-resistant leather shoes can withstand temperatures of 300°C, protecting from various harmful and hazardous factors. Hard tops with visor and trim are made of impact-resistant polycarbonate and heat resistant, knitted helmet lining and gloves from heat-resistant materials, which include Kevlar fiber. This allows to ensure safe working conditions, as well as significantly reduce injuries and prevent accidents at work.
However, the overall effectiveness of the system of labour protection management and safety depends on a number of factors, ranging from compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and ending with the general level of training of managers and professionals.
In 2015, the planned pre-examination test of knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health will be passed by 578 managers and specialists of Belgorodenergo, special assessment of the working conditions - 1,867 employees of the branch. All first responding and operational and maintenance personnel regularly practice in routine switching, workplace preparation and clearance of crews to safely perform the work in electrical installations, necessarily work out methods of rendering first aid to the victim.
Among the mandatory labour protection measures are safety days, which are held monthly in all structural units of the branch. They are integrated with training sessions in classrooms, offices and specialized training centres, equipped with special equipment.
To reduce the risk of accidents and occupational injuries the branch regular inspects workplaces for compliance with occupational safety requirements; developed technological cards and safe work performance projects, especially in areas classified as "particularly hazardous", where the conduct of any work requires increased control and attention.
Among the most important are emergency and fire drills, traditional contests of professional skills and a variety of other forms and methods of work with the staff that will ensure that level of discipline, mutual control and self-control in the work, which will eliminate the likelihood of an accident.