Electrical staff should implement IPS connection, who have been instructed on occupational safety and having group III on electrical safety, operating this power grid, or staff of specialized organizations. Do not forget that, in violation of regulatory requirements for independent power supply connection to the internal network, you endanger not only your lives, but the lives of the staff of the grid company, creating a hazard of fire and breaking the uninterrupted and quality power supply to other consumers.

Sudden energization in the damaged or disconnected for repair grid can cause serious injury and even death. For such criminal negligence you will be held responsible in accordance with the applicable law.

" /> Rosseti Centr - Smolenskenergo warns: improper use of independent power supply can turn into a disaster
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Smolenskenergo warns: improper use of independent power supply can turn into a disaster


Today independent power supply sources are largely widespread (IPS). Petrol, gas and diesel portable generators are an indispensable tool in many cases. However, while using them one should not forget about the rules of electrical safety, the violation of which threatens with a disaster.

Let’s take a simple situation. For routine work at an energy facility the power line going to a location was switched off. One of IPS owners judged as follows: "Interrupted power supply does not matter. Now I will start up a generator and restore power supply in my particular house."

In this case the self made power engineer "forgot" to disconnect from the public grid, and the line was energized. Of course, to power up the whole settlement his generator won’t do, but he caused a lot trouble for specialists of the electric grid company.

Specialists of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division warn consumers about the dangers of electricity connection of independent power supply to the internal electrical network of homes and buildings without meeting the requirements set by the "Rules of technical operation of electrical installations of consumers". In addition, you must agree upon the connection with a power supply organization, whose grid the user is connected to.

IPS connection to the consumer’s grid is permitted only at presence of locks between the switching devices, which removes simultaneous power supply to the user’s network and the grid of the power supply organization.

Wiring diagram of Circuit-Changing Switch:

Electrical staff should implement IPS connection, who have been instructed on occupational safety and having group III on electrical safety, operating this power grid, or staff of specialized organizations. Do not forget that, in violation of regulatory requirements for independent power supply connection to the internal network, you endanger not only your lives, but the lives of the staff of the grid company, creating a hazard of fire and breaking the uninterrupted and quality power supply to other consumers.

Sudden energization in the damaged or disconnected for repair grid can cause serious injury and even death. For such criminal negligence you will be held responsible in accordance with the applicable law.

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