Last week in the village of Chupriyanovka in the Tver region annual competitions in ski races "Ski Track of Tverenergo - 2015" were held, which was attended by employees of the Tver branch of IDGC of Centre. Tverenergo’s partner in the organization of the sporting event was the trade union of Elektroprofsoyuz.
As part of the competitions the power engineers competed in individual and team events - the race at 2 km for women and 5 km for men by age group, as well as the mixed relay. As a result, in the team event the maximum number of points was scored by athletes of the Executive Office. Power engineers of Torzhokskaya production site took pride of silver. Representatives of Volochokskaya production site were awarded bronze medals.
In the individual competition among women in the category up to 35 years old at the distance of 2 km the absolute leader was Elizaveta Kostrova (Executive Office of Tverenergo). Olga Zhurkina (Vyshnevolotskaya production site) finished first in the age group older than 35 years.
Male athletes of Tverenergo also demonstrated the ability to fight for the leadership. Sergey Rogonov (Torzhokskaya production site) was the winner in the age category of 35 years old at the distance of 5 km. In the older age category gold was taken by Mikhail Zhurkin (Vyshnevolotskaya production site), who covered the distance in the shortest time.
Bitter struggle on the track was between members of the relay race. Athletes of Torzhokskaya production site became the best, second place was taken by the executive office of Tverenergo, bronze went to the team of Volochokskaya production site.
Sport part of the ski race ended with live entertainment and a festive meal.
"The ski competitions united participants not only at the distances in the fight for the title, but in the common corporate sports event, healthy lifestyle and good mood," stresses Deputy General Director IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division director Mikhail Pilavov. "Informal communication of employees and their families in the rhythm free of the business environment helps strengthen the corporate spirit and create a favourable emotional background in the labour team."