IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division summed up the implementation of the 2014 comprehensive program to reduce the risk of injury to third persons at power grid facilities. In the reporting period Bryansk power engineers organized 670 events for electrical safety. Their main part was carried out under agreements to consolidate the efforts in the implementation of measures to prevent electrical injuries among children and adolescents, concluded by Bryanskenergo with the city and regional education departments, General Directorate of EMERCOM and Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Bryansk region.
With methodical materials developed by the power engineers, in secondary and pre-school institutions about five hundred lessons on electrical safety were held. 12 outreach activities took place in the summer children’s recreational and school camps. For schoolchildren tours at power facilities were also conducted.
In addition to personal meetings, the power engineers on the territory of the Bryansk region distributed more than 10,000 leaflets and posters with a reminder of rules of behaviour near power facilities for various segments of the population. The materials were placed in gardening associations, collection points of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, fishing communities and fishing gear stores, traffic police departments carrying out state registration of specialized equipment, and points of its instrument control and inspection, as well as at the Customer Service Centre of Bryanskenergo. Hundreds of children’s books on electrical safety "Energolandiya" were sent to educational institutions, themed timetables, discs with materials on the prevention of children’s electrical injuries.
Byarnskenergo pays much attention to the electrical injuries prevention work. Specialists of the branch annually hold themed after-school hours in schools and meetings with schoolchildren having their recreation in summer camps, distribute informational materials, conduct active explanatory work in the media. The official website of IDGC of Centre at, in the section "Energy Safety", has the posted online game "Teach the heroes of Russian fairy tales to use electricity!", which allows children in a funny and unobtrusive way to easily learn the rules of handling electricity in the home.
"The electric current has no colour, no smell, and because of that people often forget that with improper handling it poses a serious threat to life and health. Being a socially responsible company, Bryanskenergo regularly reminds the public of the Bryansk region how to protect from electrical shock, and never stops to come up with new ways to attract attention to this vital issue," stressed Deputy General Director IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division director Roman Stefanov.