Specialists of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division held an electrical lesson for 50 schoolchildren of grades 6-8 in Zolotukhinsky secondary school of Zolotukhinsky district of the Kursk region.
Kurskenergo’s experts told the children what energy facilities are located in the district and how to behave around them to protect from electrical shock. For clarity, the schoolchildren were shown photos of power lines, poles and signs warning of the danger. From a social video of IDGC of Centre, aimed at preventing children’s electrical injuries, the children learned why they cannot approach a broken wire, climb power line poles, penetrate into premises of substations. And, therefore, how it is safe to handle electrical appliances at home.
Traditionally, a practical training in medical first aid to victims with electric shock on the example of a robot simulator "Gosha" caused a lot of interest among the teenagers. Interested persons could try to be a rescuer.
At the end of the class the schoolchildren received the book "Energolandiya", rulers and timetables containing the rules of safe handling of electricity. The power engineers also gave teachers posters on electrical safety, which will hang in classroom corners.
Deputy Director of the school on educational work Katerina Pankova thanked Kurskenergo’s experts for the lesson taught. She noted that for the prevention of accidents to children it is very important to be reminded regularly of caution in dealing with electricity.
Lessons on electrical safety are conducted by the power engineers within the electrical injuries prevention among children program in order to generate schoolchildren’ culture of safe handling of electricity, improve the quality of knowledge in this area. Until the end of the year, Kurskenergo’s experts plan to conduct such classes in all 28 districts of the Kursk region.