IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division at an exposition of energy-saving products at the exhibition of leading domestic and foreign producers, which opened on the site of the demonstration and training centre "ENEFTIKA" in the Tambov Region Administration, presented a modern, designed to meet the needs of all subjects of the retail electricity market metering system of power consumption. The system allows to control the operation of metering devices and remotely retrieve data for the consumption of electricity, which contributes significantly to the exclusion of the possibility of theft of electricity and interference in the operation of the meter. Features of the application in the design of technical solutions in terms of data collection from meters is that the costs of organizing data channels are minimized - information from meters of consumed energy is transmitted over power lines using PLC-technology, which eliminates the need for additional wiring.
As the head of energy conservation and efficiency of Tambovenergo Sergey Pervushin said, now more than ten thousand customers have already been connected to the new system. Its application can significantly reduce power losses, so in 2014 the effect was more than 1.8 million kWh. In the long term, with appropriate opportunities, primarily financial, the branch plans to continue its implementation.
The demonstration and training centre "ENEFTIKA" was opened at the end of January 2015 under the initiative of the Regional Office of Energy and Housing and Regional Energy Efficiency Centre, supported by the Ministry of Energy of Russia. Here there are energy efficient technology solutions, innovative designs and advanced energy-saving materials and equipment. In particular, the exhibition centre has alternative energy sources, modern metering systems for housing and communal services, demand controlled ventilation, energy efficient buildings, development of the use of motor fuel in the Tambov region, and many other energy-saving projects. At the moment, about 30 large enterprises, including IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division, are partners of the centre.