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Belgorodenergo: the number of "non-metered" customers in the region declined by more than a thousand


In 2014 IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division installed over 34,500 new meters at consumers’ premises. In this case, 19,500 obsolete metering devices the power engineers replaced with modern and 15 thousand were installed in new buildings. The number of residential customers who do not have electricity meters during this period decreased by 1,353.

Currently in the region there are more than 724 million electricity consumers. Despite the increase in the number of points of delivery, due to commissioning of new housing, the number of "non-metered" customers this year decreased and is 22.6 thousand points of delivery. There are most of those in Stary Oskol, where 11 thousand residents of apartment buildings pay according to the norm of kilowatt-hours used. There are slightly fewer in Gubkin and Belgorod.

Under federal law №261 "On energy saving ...", all owners of premises in apartment buildings, owners of private houses, country cottages or houses with centralized electricity supply had to install electricity metering devices by July 1, 2013. Those whose meters do not meet the requirements of the legislation should ensure proper metering: expired state verification, with improper accuracy class of 2.5 and with a service life of about 30 years. In the Belgorod region, including in apartment buildings, there are a little over 203 million of such meters, of which half are in Belgorod and Stary Oskol.

The consumer, who gets a certificate of instrument check with an instruction about the unsuitability of electricity meters for use, shall within three months replace it in accordance with regulatory legal acts for a meter with an appropriate accuracy class. For residential customers - 2.0 and above, for apartment buildings - shared (communal) metering devices with accuracy class of 1.0. In the absence or failure of a metering device and until commissioning of a new one the calculation billing method is used for of electricity consumed.

As for the standards, then starting in 2015, to be calculated according to them became unprofitable. According to the rules of public services (PP #354, p. 42, edition 12) a system of gradually raising factors is being introduced. And since 1 January 2015 the standards for energy consumption are determined by the multiplying factor of 1.1, from July 1, 2015 - 1.2, etc. According to legislators, it should be an additional incentive for the replacement and installation of meters. We should not forget that older meters are not designed for the current level of power consumption and may not provide adequate accuracy of metering.

All consumers who have decided to replace or install a power meter, without waiting for increased spending on electricity costs, are welcome in customer service offices of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division located in each district of the region. Detailed information on the cost and the procedure of the service can be obtained by calling the single straight phone line of Belgorodenergo at 13-50.

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