IDGC of Centre is working to establish in the regions of interdepartmental commissions to monitor the situation with payments for electricity transmission services among companies of the electricity sector.
This initiative was proposed by Group of Companies "Russian Grids", whose leadership sent a letter to heads of 68 subjects of the Russian Federation, where its subsidiaries operate. Most regions have supported the initiative of "Russian Grids". The commissions include representatives of regional administrations, financial monitoring service, tax service, law enforcement agencies, retail companies and consumers, who will assess the current situation of mutual settlements for the electricity supply and transmission services.
It is planned that the newly created agencies will be able to make timely and operational solutions to improve payment discipline and avoid negative consequences.
The urgency of this proposal is dictated by the projected deterioration of payment discipline of consumers of electricity transmission services in connection with the current macroeconomic situation. The amount of debt increases, and this causes concern. So, as of December 1, 2014 the amount of accrued receivables of consumers to IDGC of Centre for providing electricity transmission services is 20.6 billion rubles (an increase from the beginning of the year - 30%), including debt of suppliers of last resort - 17.7 billion rubles. Overdue repayment of debts is 13.3 billion rubles, including arrears of suppliers of last resort - 11.7 billion rubles.
To date, all administrations of the regions, in which IDGC of Centre operates, provided confirmation of a positive attitude to the organization of commissions. In the Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Smolensk, and Yaroslavl regions, where the commission for settlement of the consumption of electricity and its transmission services had been created previously, it is expected to expand the agenda of the issues under consideration and the participants in accordance with the proposals of "Russian Grids".
In the Belgorod region, this Commission held its first meeting and assessed the current situation of settlement for electricity transmission services between the supplier of last resort and IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division. Following the meeting, a list of activities for the improvement of payment discipline was developed. In particular it is planned to develop and approve a schedule of repayment of overdue and current debts of the supplier of last resort to the grid company.