IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division held a reporting conference of the Veterans’ Council, which summed up the results for the first five years of the organization’s activities and plans for the future. The event was attended by over 65 delegates from all parts of the Kursk region, the representative of the Regional Council of Veterans. Kurskenergo’s management was represented by the branch manager Alexander Rudnevsky, Head of Human Resources Lyudmila Mokrousova and Chairman of the Trade Union Nikolay Kalinin.
Its Chairman, Dmitry Bozhak, reported on the five-years’ work of the veterans’ organization. He noted that from the very first days of its activities, the Council has been actively involved in the social life of the region. In particular, veterans of Kurskenergo took an active part in the conduct of the started in 2010 relay "Banner of Victory", which culminated in a solemn presentation of a replica of the symbol to the branch.
In subsequent years, the veterans continued to actively participate in activities and events which were of major public concern, including - in the International Marathon of Memory "Homeland of Feat - the Home of the Hero", tree planting at the North end of the bulge "Kursk Bulge" in the settlement of Ponyri within the nationwide campaign "The energy of the forest ", the preparation and celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Kursk power system.
An important focus of the Council was to collect archival materials, memoirs of managers and employees of Distribution Zones on the construction of substations and power lines. It resulted in the opening of historical exhibits in all 30 Distribution Zones of Kurskenergo.
The Veterans’ Council was also actively engaged in issues of social support for the retired. Every year, requiring veterans receive financial assistance for the purchase of expensive drugs. They are compensated for the cost of vouchers for resort treatment. Authorized by Distribution Zones persons visit those in poor health, hand them traditional food packages, and congratulate persons celebrating a jubilee.
Much is done by veterans of Kurskenergo to perpetuate the memory of distinguished power engineers. In 2013 on the building of Lgovsky Distribution Zone a commemorative plaque was put in memory of the former chief engineer of Western Distribution Zone Leonid Kovalenko. In 2014 veterans commemorated the outstanding power engineer, general director of the production association "Kurskenergo" Vasily Umrikhin. A memorial tablet was installed at the entrance to the building of Central Distribution Zone.
Trips to the theater, cinema, and circus are organized for veterans. They have the opportunity to visit the neighbouring regions. For example, recently a group of veterans of Kurskenergo visited Voronezh on tour, where they went to the "Aquarium".
The organization actively cooperates with the Youth Council and the trade union committee. In 2014 members of the Veterans’ Council on the Days of Occupational Safety repeatedly talked to young professionals of the branch. Members of the Council are frequent visitors in the training centre of operating personnel, where specialists of Kurskenergo have skills improvement. The purpose of these meetings is the preservation and development of traditions, exchange of experience, the continuity of generations.
The main activities of the Veterans’ Council of Kurskenergo for the current year are related to the preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The Council members will participate in the work of updating the lists of currently living in the region widows of war veterans. They also help search for graves of soldiers and monitor their condition. And, of course, the organization will continue taking care of those veterans of the enterprise who need help.
Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division director Alexander Rudnevsky, speaking closing remarks, thanked the veterans for their active participation in the community life, wished good health and new successes. "We have someone to be like!" stressed Alexander. "Your contribution to the development of the energy system of the Kursk, experience, knowledge, which you transfer to young professionals, are invaluable for the present and future generations of Kurskenergo."
For reference:
The Veterans’ Council of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division was organized in January 2010. Today it has 990 non-working pensioners, 30 World War II veterans, and 43 participants of armed hostilities. Activities of the organization are governed by the Veterans’ Council of 18 people and 32 authorized persons in Distribution Zones.