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Smolensk teachers congratulated Smolenskenergo’s employees on their professional holiday and thanked them for conducted electrical safety lessons


Director of school # 30 in Smolensk Galina Kazakova on behalf of the entire team of the educational institution thanked Director of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division Sabir Agamaliev for the organization and systematic work to prevent children’s injuries at power grid facilities of the Smolensk region. "I express my sincere appreciation for the great attention that you and your company pay to the prevention of injury to third parties at power facilities. Classes, conducted by your experts for our children, are an effective form of teaching pupils the basics of safe conduct with electricity at home and in the street," stressed the writer of the letter.

Director of the educational institution also congratulated the power engineers on their professional holiday - the Power Engineers’ Day, wishing health and welfare to all employees, and the company - economic stability and success.

It should be noted that the conduct of the electrical safety lessons is part of complex and regular work to reduce the risk of injury at power facilities implemented by Smolensk power engineers. It includes a set of measures of organizational, technical, information and training nature.

In addition to sessions with children, on the eve of summer holidays power engineers hold themed parent meetings to explain and remind of special supervision by the adult over children’s safe behaviour. Through the media there is constant informing residents of the Smolensk region on the rules of behaviour near electrical installations, how to provide first aid to victims of electric current, on the avoidance of games near power lines, about safety measures when using electrical appliances, as well as the signs warning of danger at power facilities.

In the summer of 2013 in the Smolensk region a new large-scale prevention campaign was launched during the holidays. This practice spread to 2014 and will be continued in 2015: in the country children's health and school camps during the summer, spring and autumn holidays there were themed activities, games, presentation of the book "Energolandiya", talks about electricity, and practical exercises.

Currently Smolensk power of IDGC of Centre have already approved the schedule of lessons to prevent electrical injuries at schools in the Smolensk region for 2015 and started its implementation. Classes will be held throughout the year in all districts of the region. During the summer it is scheduled to hold lectures and case discussions at school grounds, in camps, orphanages, rest homes. We also accept applications for teaching in schools of the region, which are outside the schedule.

Besides, Smolenskenergo will continue its active information campaign on the given subject through the media, outdoor advertising and web communications.
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