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Bryansk power engineers reliably operated during the New Year’s holidays


IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division summed up its operation during the New Year’s holidays. From December 31 to January 11 the power engineers worked in the mode of increased responsibility. To ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers they had taken a set of measures aimed at prevention of emergency situations, developed a clear scheme of the operational response.

In anticipation of the holidays employees of the branch performed diagnostics of equipment that fed especially significant social facilities. Means of remote control, communications and devices for fault location at overhead lines, as well as backup and emergency power systems were functionally tested. Emergency provision of materials and equipment was staffed at 100%.

For the entire period of the New Year’s holidays Bryanskenergo organized around the clock duty of responsible persons from among the technical managers. Specialists of 32 first responding and mobile crews were also on duty around the clock at their workplaces. 57 crews of distribution networks, 7 crews of the power lines service, 15 crews of the substation service, as well as 202 vehicles could be brought additionally to the work.

Special control was set for the operation of the equipment. The branch held availability checks of 27 mobile and 4 fixed reserve power supplies and support personnel. Wiring diagrams to connect responsible consumers were prepared.

Timely and in full made necessary arrangements allowed the power engineers as soon as possible to eliminate the blackouts that occurred as a result of bad weather (high winds, extreme temperatures): on average, it took Bryanskenergo’s specialists half the time of what is set by regulatory indicators. First responding and mobile crews of Trubchevsky, Suzemsky and Navlinsky Distribution Zones especially performed well during the restoration operations.

Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division director Roman Stefanov stresses that the measures taken by the specialists of the branch allowed to provide reliable and uninterrupted operation of the electric grid complex of the Bryansk region, and confirmed the high degree of readiness for the autumn-winter peak loads.

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