One of the priorities of the personnel policy of IDGC of Centre is maintaining a high level of staff. In 2014 IDGC of Centre – Orelenergo division spent 4.2 million rubles on vocational training. 607 employees of the branch had their professional development and training in various areas throughout the year.
Overall, in 2014 601 people had training at IDGC of Centre – Orelenergo division. 251 workers, 246 managers and 104 specialists of the enterprise improved their skills. Employees of the branch mastered the new knowledge in the field of occupational safety, safe operation, and fire safety. 28 employees of the branch had retraining under the program "electrician of a first responding mobile crew with the right for routine switching", 5 employees of the branch were trained in the profession "electric and gas welder".
Staff training was conducted under special programs on the site of the educational institution "Orlovsky Training Centre" and in specialized universities. Long-term contracts with the branch of Orel State Technical University and Orel State Agrarian University give employees the opportunity to receive special education on the job, to enhance the quality and effectiveness of training.
"Professional training is one of the areas of the personnel policy, which allows to maintain the competence of the staff at the highest, corresponding to the requirements of the energy sector, advanced level. Orelenergo puts emphasis on interaction with higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which train in electric power specialties. This long-term cooperation can not only provide staff with additional knowledge, but also replenish the staff with talented young professionals," said Head of HR Department Irina Pimonova.