IDGC of Centre, as a socially responsible company, pays special attention to the implementation of projects aimed at assisting institutions that teach and bring up children with disabilities or deprived of parental care. A case in point is the activity of the Tambov branch of the company. Tambovenergo for over twenty years has been a patron of special (correctional) boarding school №2 for the deaf and hard of hearing children, providing educational institution with help and support. And staff of the branch regularly visits its pupils.
The next such visit took place on the eve of New Year holidays. Power engineers, following a good tradition, visited children at a Christmas tree celebration, wished them a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and presented gifts.
The boarding school administration expressed the gratitude for the sensitivity, understanding and warm attitude towards the pupils from their patrons. The school principal, Natalia Dementieva, handed them a letter of thanks. And the children presented the guests of the educational institution a creative gift - a great holiday show featuring fairy-tale characters, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. As part of it, they presented new choreography performances and introduced the audience with a special kind of performing arts - singing with gestures.
"Children with disabilities, perhaps even more than others, need care, attention and support. They need to feel that they are not forgotten. Therefore, the employees of our branch every time they come to visit the children try to give them a piece of their warmth," underlines Chief of Staff of IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division Andrey Remizov.