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Lipetskenergo explained the payment procedure for redundant power to consumers


IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo division held a series of roundtables with consumers to explain the order of payment for electricity, in connection with changes under preparation to the legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding payment for redundant maximum power.

Among participants of the events there were such major consumers as JSC "Lipetsk Vodka Company", JSC "Gryazinsky cultivator plant", JSC "Lipetsk plant of crawler tractors", JSC "Russian Railways", LLC "Gazprom Transgaz Moscow".

As explained by Head of sale of services of Lipetskenergo Sergey Vetrov, according to paragraph 80 of the Government Resolution №442 "On the functioning of retail electricity markets, the full and (or) partial restrictions to the consumption of electric energy", from July 1, 2012 the payment in electricity bills of electric energy consumers with a maximum capacity of power installations at least 670 kW the value of the reserved maximum power is indicated with a separate line. The redundant capacity means the difference between the maximum and the actual power consumption of a particular enterprise. Currently, this value indicates the reference so that consumers could assess the degree of maximum power use as recorded in the grid connection documents. Subsequently, large consumers will have to either pay for not only the amount of electricity consumed, but also the excess of redundant power or reallocate unused capacity in favour of the grid company or for the benefit of other consumers interested in it.

Large consumers will be free to use the reserve only if during the year it does not exceed 60% of maximum power.

According to regional tariffs in 2014 the price for 1 kW of redundant maximum power ranges from 40 to 141.6 rubles per kW depending on the type of power installations and the voltage level of the tariff.

If the consumer decides to abandon the maximum power, then a proposal to reduce the maximum power must be sent to IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo division, with the name and contact details of the applicant; location of devices of electric networks; the volume of maximum power and capacity, which the maximum power shall be reduced at. It is necessary to enclose copies of documents on grid connection to the request.

"The new order of payment for electricity will ensure efficient redistribution of electric power among consumers without constructing additional power supplies. This will allow the grid company to avoid investment cost, which is included in the tariff for the transmission of electric energy and ultimately paid by consumers," summed up Deputy Director for Sale and Development of Services of Lipetskenergo Alexander Kosolapov.

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