Specialists of IDGC of Centre shared with the forum participants experience in the use of non-tariff sources of financing, as well as talked about options of energy infrastructure development of remote areas.
At the forum a plenary session "Regional Energy as a factor of development of regions of the Russian Federation" was held. It was attended by Governor of the Yaroslavl region Sergey Yastrebov; his deputy Natalia Shaposhnikova; Senator, who oversees the energy sector in the Federation Council, Viktor Rogotsky, as well as leaders of the main enterprises of the regional industry.
IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division director Konstantin Kotikov made a report on the financing of innovative activity of the company without the use of funds received from the transmission tariff. He also told the forum participants about the achievements of the Yaroslavl branch of IDGC of Centre in 2014.
Two agreements were signed between the Government of the region and branch "Yarenergo". One of them is to increase the efficiency by which ten districts of the Yaroslavl region will be fully transferred to an automated AMR electric energy metering system. The branch will enter into energy service contracts to install 120,000 smart meters, integrated into one metering system. This will allow annual savings of up to 20 million KWh of electricity, and the saved from the losses funds will be used to cover the contract itself.
The second concerns the development of Yaroslavl charging infrastructure for contactless electric vehicles. Specialists of Yarenergo have already installed several charging stations in the city, and when "Yargorelektrotrans" completes the delivery of a prototype, one of the country's first electric buses will begin moving through the streets of Yaroslavl.
An unprecedented for the region project was implemented by Yaroslavl electric grid company (JSC "YarEGC") - a joint venture of IDGC of Centre and the Government of the Yaroslavl region. YarESK took ownerless networks of gardening companies on the balance. These facilities were not serviced for a long time and were in poor condition. The company performed repair and reconstruction. As a result, Yaroslavl gardeners received a permanent and reliable electricity grid service contractor whose services require no extra charge.
"The implementation of these projects was made possible through close collaboration with the authorities," considers Konstantin Kotikov. "On our initiative the regional law on urban planning was amended, abolishing the mandatory negotiation in the construction of low-voltage power facilities. Before the registration of all of this documentation took a huge amount of time. Now connection to our grid will take a few months only. This is a good example that important issues can be addressed effectively in the region."
After the plenary session the forum work continued in round tables. At them representatives of the Yaroslavl branch again spoke in detail about their experience removing administrative barriers in the execution of grid connection contracts and work on the installation of metering devices.
At one of the round tables a report on the principles of effective energy management in remote areas was made by Deputy Chief Engineer for Development and Innovation of IDGC of Centre Dmitry Rybnikov. He stressed that the problem is more or less typical for any region of the country, and one of its solutions is the effective development of the electric grid complex in combination with small generation taking into account the technical characteristics of each load centre.