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Tver branch of IDGC of Centre awarded the "Legends of the Upper Volga"


IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division took part in the ceremony of awarding winners of the award "Legends of the Upper Volga-2014" established by the weekly "Arguments and Facts in Tver".

This year the prize was awarded to 15 winners in various categories: "Man-legend", "Legendary coverage", "Top performance", and so on. These are people who made a great contribution to the development of the Tver region, as well as businesses and organizations with a rich historical past and a promising future, which can rightly be called the "legend" of the Tver region. "Legends of the Upper Volga" is a prestigious award and recognition of inhabitants of the Tver region.

The Tver branch of IDGC of Centre received an award in the category "Serving the people". The Tver power system is in operation for 78 years, during which much was done to increase significantly the energy potential of the region, the development of electrical grids, upgrading power equipment to provide reliable energy supply to industry, agriculture and residents of the region.

Tverenergo’s specialists continue connecting facilities to the grid, which play an important role in the economic development of the region. To provide electricity to new customers, whose number grows every year, active construction and reconstruction of power facilities is performed. Despite the great length of grids - about 50 thousand km, which stretch in forests and wetlands, the power engineers strive to ensure that each locality has no problems with the power supply. For this Tverenergo performs the biggest amount of work among the branches of the Central Federal District in clearing ROWs along high-voltage power lines. To consolidate the interests of consumers and power supply companies in the Tver region there are six Customer Service Centres of Tverenergo in operation to help consumers quickly resolve all issues related to energy supply.

Tverenergo is one of 11 branches of the largest electric grid company, celebrating this year its 10th anniversary of activities in the territory of the Central Federal District, effectively implementing in practice the task of modernization, increasing the quality of electricity transmission, improving power supply reliability and expanding the range of services rendered.

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