Since the beginning of 2014 IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division performed a whole set of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of personnel and electric power facilities of the Tver region, fire prevention, as well as creating the conditions for successful fire fighting. The company spent about 3.3 million rubles on its implementation.
Fire safety is an important component of protection in the workplace, on which the safety of property, health and life of humans depends. In 2014, Tverenergo allocated about 850 thousand rubles for the maintenance of an automatic fire alarm system, about 200 thousand rubles for the purchase of fire-fighting equipment, and 200 thousand rubles to recharge fire extinguishers.
In order to monitor the implementation of and compliance with fire safety requirements during the year heads of departments of Tverenergo and non electrical staff took a basic fire safety training program.
Trainings on personnel actions in case of emergency evacuation at fire, the threat of a terrorist attack were conducted with the staff of General Directorate and the branch’s production facilities. All employees belonging to operating, maintenance, and repair personnel took part in mandatory fire drills that are conducted with these categories of workers at least once every six months. As part of the competition of professional skills of operators of Grid Control Centres and managers of operational and technology groups of Distribution Zones, fire safety issues in solving case studies were worked out and skills to extinguish fire in the 0.4 kV floor switchboard were tested.
Additional activities in terms of fire safety were conducted with personnel performing the work on the overhead line. Occupational safety specialists organized unscheduled briefings on compliance with the "Rules of fire safety in the woods", to ban making fires along ROWs, leaving oiled materials and debris, temporary structures at the workplace, as well as the prohibition of using equipment with a faulty fuel system.
Tverenergo pays special attention to issues of staffing primary fire extinguishing means in buildings, structures, premises of power facilities and automotive vehicles.
In observance of the norms and fire safety in 2014, 96 substations had fire break plowing of the surrounding area. Together with fire departments of EMERCOM of Russia in the Tver region in the current year there were 7 firefighting trainings at 110/35/10 kV substations.
Through the media explanatory work was conducted with the population on the observance of the "Rules of establishment of security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions of use of land located within the boundaries of these zones," as well as the responsibility for fire condition of ROWs along overhead power lines with agricultural producers whose territory the overhead power line crosses.
In 2014 in the territory of the Tver region there was an extremely heavy fire risk situation. But thanks to the competent and coordinated actions of employees to comply with the rules of fire safety conditions at the electric grid facilities, equipment of the Tver power system was operating normally.