IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division received certificates of conformity of the quality of electric energy with the requirements of GOST 32144-2013, which entered into force in July 2014 and replaced a similar document, which was valid from 1997. The changed requirements, reflected in the new Standard, were dictated by the development of the electricity market in our country, when the question arose about the need to standardize electric energy quality at the point of delivery between suppliers and consumers of electricity.
The Certificates of conformity being valid until August 2017 were issued the branch based on the results of tests of the quality of electric energy by an independent accredited testing laboratory. Their availability is dictated by the requirements of the current legislation, according to which the electric energy supplied to residential customers, is included in the list of products subject to mandatory certification.
"Electric energy, like any other consumer product, must meet certain requirements. The standard rated voltage of electric energy, which the branch supplies to residential customers, is 220 V or 380 V to three-phase consumers, with tolerance of ± 10%, and the frequency - ± 0.4% at the nominal value of 50 Hz," said Egor Skirnevsky, Head of the relay protection, automation, measurement and metrology service of Voronezhenergo.
"The new GOST Standard contains a number of changes and presents a number of new requirements, in particular - the recommended points of power quality monitoring, the composition and method of processing power quality indicators were changed. The issued quality certificates to the branch of Voronezhenergo shall be confirmed, as required by applicable regulations, at least once a year," said Chief metrologist of Voronezhenergo Alexey Zakharov.
It should be added that to monitor the fulfillment of the requirements of the new GOST Standard in the provision of electric power transmission services by Voronezhenergo to consumers the branch in 3Q 2014 purchased 12 additional devices of power quality monitoring, and modernization of the fleet of devices is being carried out.
It should be noted that the receipt of the electricity quality certificate by IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division is a further proof of the quality of electric energy transmission services to the end customer.