The investment program of IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division for 2014 is being implemented ahead of the target values: following the first half of the year all the targets of the document have been exceeded.
The investment program for 2014 of Voronezhenergo was approved in the amount of 1 billion 284.5 million rubles. Along with it the investments of the branch - one of the largest taxpayers in the Voronezh region - in the regional economy in the current year are not less than that made a year earlier.
For the first six months within the investment program Voronezh power engineers reconstructed and constructed 154.2 kilometers of power lines, as well as performed modernization of substations and other power facilities with aggregate capacity of 16.1 megavolt-amperes, which is almost one and a half times higher than the planned scope.
Among the most important projects of the investment program is the 35/10 kV Substation "Novaya Usman-2" reconstruction with changing to the voltage of 110 kV. Currently at the power facility two power transformers of 25 MVA each are being installed. Modernization of the substation will improve the quality of power supply and enable new grid connections, including industrial customers of one of the densely populated districts of the region - Novousmansky. The total cost of this investment project is estimated at 161.6 million rubles.
Another important project of the program is the modernization of Substation 110/10/6 kV #20 with replacement of 2x25 MVA transformers for 2x40 MVA, the construction of a new 6 kV indoor switchgear and installation of reactors. To date, the power engineers have installed two of the four current-limiting reactors provided by the project. The amount of investment in the modernization of Substation #20, located in Central district of Voronezh, will be 93.5 million rubles.
The investment program also includes the reconstruction of Substation #13 "VPI" 110/35/10 kV with changing the voltage from 35 to 110 kV. This is the second phase of the largest investment project of the branch in 2013-2014, whose purpose is to two-fold increase in the power delivery to social and engineering infrastructure in Kominternovsky district of Voronezh. Please, be reminded that in the first phase the Voronezh power engineers constructed a cable line of XLPE 110 kV from Substation #30 "Podgornoe" to Substation #13 "VPI" and also installed 2 transformers of 2x16 MVA. The total investment in this project in 2013-14 will be about 385 million rubles.
The reconstruction of the Substation 35/10 kV "Tantsyrey" with replacement of 2x2.5 MVA transformers for 2x6.3 MVA refers to large investment projects in 2014. Its implementation will allow for grid connection of a water intake "Rostan", which will provide water supply to the city of Borisoglebsk - the second largest city of the Voronezh region with a population of over 64 thousand people.
In addition, as part of the investment program in 2014 the Voronezh power engineers perform reconstruction of overhead power lines, construction of digital communication channels and another number of important measures aimed at the development and modernization of the electric grid complex.