The costs of repair of electrical equipment of IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo division for 5 months in 2014 amounted to 25.95 million rubles.
During the reporting period 53 transformer substations and 308.28 km of power lines of 0.4 - 110 kV were repaired, 2,449 insulators and 538 overhead line poles were replaced.
In order to reduce risks of technological failures caused by falling branches and trees on power line wire, 227.25 hectares of ROWs along power lines were cleared of overgrown trees and shrubs. 97 hectares of ROWs along overhead lines (Conductors) were widened to the regulatory norm.
Buildings and structures in the amount of 1.56 million rubles were renovated.
Please, be reminded that a repair program is one of the most important areas of work in the power industry to maintain reliable operation of the electric grid complex of the region.