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"Safety Week" completed in Voronezhenergo


"Safety Week" is an action with the same name held by Voronezh power engineers. It included a range of different activities aimed at preventing injuries to third parties at electric grid facilities of the branch.

Electrical safety issues are included in a course of study of the school subject "Basics of life safety". Voronezhenergo’s experts are also interested in the thing that children from an early age to know the rules for handling electricity and to be able to apply them in practice. Training sessions for life safety teachers started with thematic lessons for primary and secondary classes, excursions to the electric grid facilities of Voronezhenergo, contests are events of the "Safety Week" program aimed at both adults, and representatives of the younger generation.

At the lessons for the life safety teachers Voronezhenergo’s specialists shared with the teachers methodical recommendations on preparing lessons on electrical safety, and supplied them with relevant information, vivid examples from the practice and teaching aids to help their pupils better assimilate the material covered. And during master classes the power engineers, in particular, taught the pupils to provide first aid to the victim by the example of an electronic dummy with an affectionate name of "Gosha". Representatives of EMERCOM, who conducted the classes together with them, in detail told the children about how to behave in case of danger. To consolidate the new knowledge among the pupils there were contests held with prizes and gifts.

"Safety Week" is one of the activities of the implemented Voronezhenergo’s Program to reduce risk of electrical injuries. Under it the power engineers of Industrial Control and Safety Office of the branch monthly organize and conduct in one of the schools of each municipality of the region master classes on electrical safety. The Program also provides for continuous informing of the need to comply with electrical safety rules through the media and other effective channels of communication.

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