This year the power grid of the Yaroslavl region is 80 years old. This date is associated with large-scale celebrations involving all energy companies of the region and the Government of the Yaroslavl region.
Among the celebrations to mark the 80th anniversary of the power system there are meetings with veterans and excursions to major Yaroslavl energy facilities, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame and the monument to the victims of radiation accidents, planting of green alleys, children's art contests, and renewal of museum exhibits.
Electricity came to Yaroslavl early in the last century. The very first energy management was created in 1934 – the same year as the opening of the first Yaroslavl CHP. From that moment the Yaroslavl grid leads its chronology. Milestones of the industry development are inseparable from the history of the country: industrialization, difficult war years and the active construction of peaceful five-year plans, full electrification of the village, the restructuring, reforming and innovation.
Until the early 2000s the Yaroslavl power grid was represented by one company, responsible for all the regional industry. It was called "Yarenergo". As a result of the reform a number of companies were separated that do generation, transmission/distribution and sale of electricity. In doing so the brand "Yarenergo" was kept to the distribution grid company – Yaroslavl branch of IDGC of Centre.
Today the Yaroslavl power grid includes the following companies. In generation it is TGK-2, which consists of large Yaroslavl CHPs, boilers and heating networks; Upper Volga Cascade HPP of "RusHydro" with Uglich and Rybinsk hydroelectric power plants and Yaroslavl Generating Company.
IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division is responsible for transmission and distribution. It serves about 90% of the region's electric grid, implementing major investment projects, restores grids after adverse weather events. Electricity supply of separate territories is performed by Yaroslavl and Rybinsk City Grids, Municipal Unitary Enterprise Zavolzhye and a number of local grid companies. Activities to consolidate and restore ownerless grids and assets owned by territorial grid companies are assigned to OJSC "YarEGC". Feeding centres and power lines of EHV, which run the transit of electricity through our region, are serviced by Yaroslavl Section of Valdai PMES of FGC UES.
OJSC "Yaroslavl Retail Company" is an electricity supplier of last resort. It performs quality and prompt calculation of net supply and sales volume of electricity in the Yaroslavl region.
Separately Yaroslavl Transmission Grid Control Centre – a branch of "System Operator of Unified Energy System" was taken out. Its service area is management of technological modes of all facilities of the power system.
The power system is a mechanism reliability of which depends on coordinated work of all its parts. Employees of all companies listed legally consider themselves Yaroslavl power engineers. Each company performs its essential functions, and together they continue the business that began 80 years ago – giving light and warmth to residents and providing energy for the development of the region.
"The Yaroslavl power industry today is a key life support system, the socio-economic development of the region and comfort of residents depends on its reliable operation. I can say with confidence: the Yaroslavl grid adequately passed the test of time, proving the strength of its traditions and professional guidance. Even in the most difficult conditions one managed to keep the technical potential of the power system and its most important asset – people able to work at full capacity," underlines Acting General Director of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division director Konstantin Kotikov.