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Yaroslavl power engineers congratulated veterans on Victory Day


IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division honoured veterans of the Yaroslavl power grid – combatants and home front workers. Members of the veterans’ and youth organizations of the branch laid flowers at the memorial to those killed in the Great Patriotic War. Thereafter, a gala evening was organized for the veterans.

At the festive event the veterans were congratulated by a member of the Federation Council Victor Rogotsky, Acting Director of the Yaroslavl branch of IDGC of Centre Konstantin Kotikov, Head of Leninsky district of Yaroslavl Andrey Zotov, leaders of the trade union, the Veterans’ Council and Youth Council of Yarenergo.

The main actors in the celebration were former employees of Yarenergo, who caught the hard years of war, with their labour and combat prowess approached the long-awaited Victory. They were congratulated by the current power engineers, chatted with friends and colleagues, reminisced about the war and the last stages in the development of the industry.

Luciya Ignatyevna Sadilek shared her story about her difficult childhood, having survived the Leningrad blockade: "Standards of food declined steadily. Most valuable to us – it was the cards, but with them we used for weeks not to be able to get our 125 grams of bread. And what bread it was: sawdust, pulp, bagasse. I remember we as kids told each other stories. And in them fairies brought us not candies, not gifts, but simple real bread. Since then, I cannot throw a single piece."

Valentin Vladimirovich Yakusevich told how he met the news of the Victory: "I and other recent school-leavers of a sergeants’ school drove to the border with Manchuria. May 9 a military train stopped at a small station. Locals ran up to us and began to congratulate, treating with moonshine and boiled potatoes. An accordion sounded. So I met the great Victory, and then went to war with Japan."

May 9, 1945 is a sacred day in the Russian history, the feat of the Soviet people will live forever in the memory and hearts of people. The team of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division once again congratulate all veterans with the 69th anniversary of the Victory and wishes good health and long life.

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