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Specialists of "Tambovenergo" met at a round table with heads of the local government of Pichaevsky district


Staff of IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division had a visiting presentation on the development of outdoor lighting networks. Heads of eight municipalities of Pichaevsky district in the Tambov region were invited for the meeting. Head of marketing and additional services of Tambovenergo Vera Strygina told the audience about the range of services provided. The most popular services are construction, modernization and maintenance of outdoor lighting networks, as well as operational and technological management of 0.4-110 kV electrical networks.

Heads of rural settlements, who were at the presentation, expressed interest in the service to maintain street lighting lines and installation of lighting fixtures. Experts of Tambovenergo suggested the heads to conclude agreements, which provide for the construction and reconstruction of outdoor lighting networks, outdoor lighting systems maintenance, replacement of faulty equipment, implementation of energy-efficient technologies on the basis of an energy service contract.

In 2013 employees of Tambovenergo were working to install street lighting in municipal formations of Inzhavinsky district in the Tambov region, including agreements were signed with the management of Karavainsky village council, Inzhavinsky settlement council, Baylovskogo and Pokrovo-Basil rural councils of Pichaevsky district. In the first quarter of 2014 the branch provided services for the street lighting network maintenance within the 12 previously concluded contracts.

"The new lighting fixtures are installed in the streets not only for aesthetics and convenience of the villagers. Due to the presence of street lighting on roads and sidewalks the number of road accidents and domestic injuries is reduced, the level of social security of citizens increases," stressed Head of marketing and additional services of Tambovenergo Vera Strygina.

Please, be reminded that Tambovenergo provides the population with a broad spectrum of additional services. These include: maintenance, repair and development of power facilities and street lighting networks, testing and diagnostics of electrical equipment, installation and replacement of metering devices, works within the competence of the customer within the grid connection procedure implementation.

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