The International Workshop "Operation of high voltage electric grids of 110 kV, 220 kV and equipment used for their maintenance", which was held last week in Yaroslavl, for the second time became a networking platform for discussion and resolution of problems arising from the grid operation, and to study new production technologies. The workshop, organized by the Yaroslavl electromechanical factory, was attended by about 40 people. Among them there were managers and experts from leading power grid companies from different subjects of the Russian Federation, experts of foreign Ministries of Energy, as well as representatives of manufacturers of Belarus, Czech Republic, Iraq, Japan and India.
At the event Leading Engineer of Diagnostics Service of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division Alexander Vasiliev made a report. He got actively involved in the dialogue on modern equipment and measuring instruments, their design features, the drawbacks and advantages. Alexander noted that in addition to Yarenergo’s stationary equipment and a wide range of different diagnostics tools there are 14 mobile modern electrical laboratories available for fault location on a cable line, to do laboratory testing, in particular, to check power and instrument transformers, the serviceability of personal protective equipment – dielectric gloves, boots and more.
Alexander Vasiliev has worked at the company for about 40 years, last year he was awarded the title of "Veteran of IDGC of Centre". Alexander believes: "Energy of a new generation should be based on the implementation of advanced technologies. With the help of new equipment the time for identifying and eliminating technological disturbances in electrical networks reduces, electrical efficiency of service increases, and work on the grid connection improves. Such meetings are very useful, they allow not only get a new experience, but also learn about the development of the electrical industry, high-tech upgrades."