Representatives of IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division participated in a seminar of trade union organizations, which took place on the site of the Likhoslavl plant "Lighting Equipment". The participants of the event were also trade union organizations and Youth Councils of Konakovskaya GRES power plant, Tver Transmission Control Centre, Kashin plant of electrical equipment.
Representatives of the Youth Council of the plant "Lighting Equipment" shared with colleagues their expertise on the youth policy, spoke about the ongoing thematic gatherings, contests to promote a healthy lifestyle, patriotic education, and working with the Veterans’ Council.
Chairman of the Primary trade union organization of Tverenergo Sergey Aksakov stressed that the seminar was held in order to form trade union personnel reserve, to train activists of the trade union movement, to inform young people about the goals and objectives of the modern trade union movement, and to form active citizenship with the youth.