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Bryanskenergo pays special attention to electrical safety


IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division summarized the work in the field of occupational health and safety for 2013. All planned activities for the reporting period were fully implemented.

Much attention throughout the past year was paid to providing staff with modern means of protection. All first responding and maintenance crews were fully equipped with sets of sticks for installation of portable earthing for overhead power lines without climbing poles for Conductors 6-10 kV and Conductors 0. 4 kV. Personnel of maintenance crews of Bryanskenergo were fully provided with uniform resistant to electric arc.

Under the approved in IDGC of Centre Program to reduce risk of injury, the branch during the year conducted regular comprehensive and thematic inspections, rounds and checks of workplaces, improvement of skills of safe performance of work by crews in training centres within safety days. Serious work was done in the field of providing electrical safety to third parties. To reduce risk of electrical shock and prevent intrusion into electrical installations Bryanskenergo implemented a complex of special measures of organizational, technical and awareness raising character. Most of them focused on the execution of work in the construction and reconstruction of 6-10 kV overhead lines in densely populated areas and supplying electricity to responsible consumers using self-supporting insulated wire.

Bryanskenergo weekly during 2013 through the media informed the population of the Bryansk region on safe handling of electrical appliances and the rules of being near power facilities. Specialists of the production control and safety office of the branch held 285 lessons on electrical safety in schools of the city of Bryansk and the Bryansk region. For kindergartens educational games to prevent children’s electrical injuries and for teachers disks with presentational and video materials for lessons "Beware of electricity" were made and transferred through the city and district education departments.

In 2014 Bryanskenergo plans to continue improving the protection of labour. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring production safety, provision of staff with personal protective means to ensure safe maintenance of equipment, use of safe technologies at work, and control of occupational safety in the workplace.

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