IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division formed its repair program for 2014. According to the document, in this period Yarenergo planned to repair electric grid facilities in the amount of 171.5 million rubles, which is 6.3 million more than following the results of 2013.
Until the beginning of the next autumn-winter operation period Yaroslavl power engineers will repair 20 substations of the main 35-110 kV grid. The largest of them are: the Substation 110/10 kV "Palkino" feeding facilities of LLC "Baltnefteprovod"; the Substation 110/6 kV "Institutskaya" that supplies power to the Universal cultural and entertainment complex "Arena -2000. Locomotive", facilities of heat networks and Water Utility; the Substation 110/35/10 kV "Uglich", which feeds residents of the district centre, a local poultry and a timber plant.
On the 6-10/0.4 kV distribution network 594 transformer substations will be repaired, which is almost 2 times more than in 2013. These energy facilities step down voltage to 0.4 kV - it is from this class voltage lines the main consumers of Yarenergo are powered. Therefore, reliability of power supply to residents of the region depends on the technical condition of small distribution centres.
Repairs of overhead and cable lines are planned in the amount of 1,940 km for all voltage classes. For comparison, last year just over 1,600 km were renovated. The program in 2014, in particular, included the 110 kV overhead line Konstantinovskaya -1 with its length of 39 km. It extends from CHP -2 through the substation "Bragino", "Red Pass" and "Konstantinovskaya" to Tutaevsky district participating in the energy supply of all areas along the right-of-way. Another large-scale power facility, which this year will be renovated, will be the 32 km long 35 kV overhead line "Rozhdestveno", which originates from the substation "Shestikhino" and provides power to a significant portion of Nekouzsky district.
Clearing ROWs along power lines is also part of the repair campaign of Yarenergo. In 2014, the branch’s power engineers will clear 1,605 hectares. This volume is divided equally between lines of the main and distribution grid.
Annual plan for the repair campaign is compiled on the basis of three main parameters: the frequency of repairs, certain regulatory and technical documentation, technical condition of power supply facilities, which is determined in the course of regular inspections and diagnostics, and limits on the costs of the implementation of repair and maintenance activities, determined on the basis of tariff balance decisions of regional Services of Tariffs of the Russian Federation subjects. Most of the work is performed by Yarenergo’s own forces with little involvement of contractors. It is worth noting that in the upcoming repair campaign less money than last year will be spent on contractors’ services: 26.9 million RUB against 31.6 million RUB.