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The next stage of assessment of work places in Voronezhenergo to take place next summer


In June 2014 IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division will have planned assessment of work places on working conditions. It was announces by the chairman of the Voronezh regional committee «All-Russian Electric Trade Union» Evgeny Pronyaev at the Plenary Session of the committee, which took place last week. The event will cover 16 Distribution Zones, the assessment of working conditions will be carried out with the participation of specialists of the production control and safety Office of Voronezhenergo and representatives of trade unions. In total, 1389 work places will be assessed.

As required by law, assessment of work places must be held at least once every five years. According to the approved multi-year schedule, subdivisions of Voronezhenergo perform this event in stages. So, this year the branch has assessed 688 work places (including newly created) in the Distribution Zones, where it was done the last time five years ago.

It should be added that next year «Assessment of work places» will be replaced by «Special assessment of working conditions». These changes are declared in the Federal Law «On the special assessment of working conditions», which is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2014.

«Assessment of work places is needed to evaluate the occupational risks of workers and to compile accurate picture of labour conditions in the workplace, and the implementation of planned measures for their improvement enhances the company’s competitiveness in the labour market. In addition, the assessment allows to justify the existing benefits and compensation and ultimately to ensure our branch specialists to have necessary level of social security,» stresses the head of production control and safety Office of Voronezhenergo Natalia Stolpovskikh.

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