IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division continues to work on the development of the power grid infrastructure of Ramonsky district. In the middle of October the company began the reconstruction of an overhead power line of 10 kV with its length of 2.5 kilometres from the village of Starozhivotinnoe to the village of Chertovitsy.
In the course of work Voronezh power engineers use the most modern technologies and materials. In particular, when installing the overhead line the branch’s specialists apply a universal self-supporting cable of the system «water — land — air». This type of equipment is characterized by good electrical characteristics and high reliability, it is safe to use and environmentally friendly. The latter factor is particularly important in view of the fact that a significant section of the line runs through woods of the State Forest Fund. The universal self-supporting cable is used for the first time at the grid facilities in the Voronezh region. In the scale of IDGC of Centre it is the second case of its application.
Also in the process of reconstruction on the part of the ROW there will be 70 reinforced concrete poles installed, including 12 multi-faceted.
Ramonsky district is the largest agro-industrial, economic and cultural centre of the northern part of the Voronezh region. The development of electric grid facilities of the municipality is one of the priorities of the Voronezh power engineers. The reconstruction of the 10 kV overhead line from Starozhivotinnoe to Chertovitsy will create the possibility of grid connection of new large consumers of the district, including sewage treatment plants. The implementation of a large-scale investment project for their construction will start next year with the regional authorities. In addition, the entry into operation of the reconstructed line will improve the reliability of supply to consumers of the municipality, which includes the famous Voronezh health resort, the health spa after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, a children’s sanatorium, a high school, residential homes and summer cottages along the banks of the Voronezh river.