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Bryanskenergo increases the productive supply of electric power


For 4 months of 2013 the productive supply of electric power to the grid of IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division reached 1,391.75 million kW/h, which is higher than the same period last year by nearly 14.29 million kW/h.

To achieve this level it was possible thanks to the organization of work to reduce energy losses, a systematic analysis of high loss feeders of Distribution Zones 6/10/0.4 kV with a precise definition of the main centres of power losses, as well as constant, focused work on the implementation of planned measures to reduce electricity losses. These activities include:

  • — phases load balancing in the distribution network,
  • — replacement of overloaded and underloaded transformers,
  • — conducting instrumentation checks of electricity metering systems,
  • — replacement of wires with larger cross section on congested power lines,
  • — identification of non-metered and non-contractual electricity consumption and others.

To date, IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division is doing a great job on the program of modernization of retail electricity market (AMR), which brings a significant result to reduce electricity losses, ensures the accuracy and efficiency of taking readings and determining the exact amount of electricity for the billing period.

At the end of 4 months of 2013 the lowest loss has been achieved at Klimovsky Distribution Zone — 16.56% and Zhiryatinsky Distribution Zone — 17.33%.

Overall, in 2013 the total planned supply to the grid of Bryanskenergo is to be 4,096.91 million kWh, including the productive one — 3,858.81 million kWh.

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