Specialists of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division took part in the annual Job Fair of Ivanovo State Power Engineering University. The aim of the visit of Orel power engineers to ISPEU was meeting with students of the third and fifth year with the prospect of further employment at the company.
Representatives of Orelenergo made a presentation in which they told the future power engineers about the work in the company, measures of social support of personnel and career prospects. The visit of the Orel power engineers in Ivanovo resulted in recruiting three fifth-year students to work. After graduation, they will join the ranks of young professionals. Other five third-year students of ISPEU have been invited to their paid internship in August-September 2013.
«Orelenergo has already ISPEU’s graduates working, and all of them have proved to be highly qualified,» stresses the head of HR Marina Yakovenko. «The company is interested in young employees with a high level of advanced vocational training, because ultimately stable operation of the branch and energy security of the entire Orel region depends on the quality of personnel.»