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Yaroslavl power engineers congratulated veterans on Victory Day


IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division is honouring veterans of the Yaroslavl power system — combatants and workers on the home front. On the eve of the 68th anniversary of the Victory at the Stele in memory of soldiers of the energy sector a solemn meeting was held, and a theatrical holiday was held specifically for veterans in the House of Culture «Energetic».

The meeting was attended by Chief Engineer of the Yaroslavl branch of IDGC of Centre, Vladimir Grigoriev, Head of the Leninsky district administration of Yaroslavl Andrey Zotov, Veterans’ Council, Youth Council and trade union of Yarenergo. They pronounced words of gratitude to the veterans and home front workers who with their combat valour and work advanced the long-awaited victory.

With great warmth and concern were the words of Chairman of the Veterans’ Council Vladimir Grachev about the power engineers, who because of their health can no longer stand by their comrades at the Stele of memory. «We, along with the youth, visited everyone in his or her home, congratulated on the Great Victory, said thanks for the peaceful sky over our head,» stressed Vladimir.

They had a minute’s silence in memory of all those who did not return from the war, and laid flowers at the memorial to fallen power engineers.

The main participants of the celebration — former employees of Yarenergo, who went through the hard years of war — were congratulated by the current power engineers, communicated with colleagues and shared their memories of the war and the past stages in the development of the industry. There was music of the war years, and a military field kitchen was working.

As part of the patriotic action «Energy of Victory» in Yaroslavl there was a performance of the creative team from IDGC of Centre — Kurskenergo division. The colleagues-power engineers showed for the veterans and all guests their literary and musical production «Cranes», dedicated to the memory of the fallen in 1941 — 1945. Through the prism of individual human lives, the artists brought to the audience an idea of the infinite heroism and power of the spirit of the Russian people. In the period from April to May the Kursk power engineers will show this performance in all branches of IDGC of Centre.

Schoolchildren, residents of Yaroslavl, representatives of regional public organizations and local authorities were present at the performance. «It touched from the first minute and did not let go, there are tears in the eyes so far,» the audience shared their impressions.

May 9, Victory Day, the Veterans’ Council in conjunction with the Youth Council will also lay flowers at the War Memorial to the liberators and residents of besieged Leningrad.

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