As part of promoting the rational use of energy resources an open festival «Our Energy» was held in Voronezh, which presented creative and technical works on energy saving of children. The event was organized AE «Energy Saving Centre of the Voronezh region», Chamber of Commerce of the Voronezh Region, Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh region, and the Voronezh State Theatre of the Young Spectator.
The contest, which has become an annual event in Voronezh, received more than 60 works of schoolchildren, among them are drawings, posters, presentations, poems and short stories, cartoons, as well as technical developments, dedicated to the problem of energy saving. The main aim of the contest was to attract the attention of school pupils, their parents and teachers, the whole community to the problem of the rational use of energy resources.
The members of the jury, who included experts of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division, selected five finalists. As a result of an open vote the winner was a pupil of the eighth form of Lyceum # 2 in Voronezh Konstantine Vinokur, who presented to the contest not only the presentation, but the electrical product «Transformer. Tesla coil». The grand prize for the winner was a three-week trip to Bulgaria, the other finalists were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.
Organizers noted that the festival and participation in the contest promotes the study by young citizens, their parents and teachers, energy efficiency and ways to improve it, as well as the education of the rational use of energy at home.
According to the specialist of public relations department of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division Elena Novikova, the past festival was not only a platform for the realization of children's creative abilities, but also raised the serious issue of energy use by the modern society. «The issue of more effective and efficient use of energy resources is now becoming relevant in the world. We, as a society of consumers, must preserve natural resources, and thus the planet. It is particularly important to give this knowledge to our children,» stressed Elena Novikova.