In the conditions of the autumn-winter period uninterrupted power supply and quick elimination of consequences of technological disturbances at power facilities is impossible without the use of information technology. IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division pays special attention to the implementation of modern IT-technologies in the power system of the region.
Thus, Yarenergo is successfully implementing the Program for the modernization and expansion of the data collection and transmission system. It includes arrangements for transfer to a regional power grid operation centre of the Yaroslavl region technology information from 37 substations of 110 kV. At the beginning of 2013 this system is fully working with 17 substations of Yarenergo.
In 2012, construction and reconstruction of remote control systems was performed at 7 substations of 110 and 35 kV. Among them — SS «Tishino», «Mouth», «Shurskol», «Brake», «Nekouz», «Pischalkino», «Western», «Volga», and «Bragino». All these substations are equipped with digital and analog communication channels, which allowed for the effective operation of the dispatching power control system; the automated electricity metering system; remote the remote control system of microprocessor terminals of relay protection and automation devices; and the video surveillance system.
In addition, the remote control system allowed for
Also this year, there are plans to create the Outage Management System at 3 facilities: the Grid Control Centre, Yaroslavlsky and Tutaevsky Distribution Zones.
Thanks to the new control system the time period for repair and maintenance of the energy grid complex will be reduced, and the duration of interruptions will be shortened. The implementation of such a system will not only allow to improve the interaction between the company’s departments, but also to consumers of electricity, and, of course, to increase the quality of planning and development of the electric grid.