During a working visit to the Bryansk region, Acting General Director of IDGC of Centre Oleg Isaev held a meeting with the heads of structural departments of Bryanskenergo. He summed up the preliminary work of the branch in 2012 and also highlighted the strategic goals of the branch for the current year.
Oleg Isaev got acquainted with the operation of the unit of Bryanskenergo — Vygonichsky Distribution Zone. Head of the Distribution Zone Vladimir Shmatkov reported to the chief executive on the operational situation: the scheme of power supply in the service area of Distribution Zone was functioning normally. Oleg Isaev visited the Grid Control Centre of the Distribution Zone, inspected working and recreational conditions of staff.
At the end of the working visit to Vygonichsky district the chief executive of IDGC of Centre met with the director of Bryansk Transmission Grid Enterprise of FGC UES Anatoly Kolotukhin. Heads of the energy companies visited the SS “Novobryanskaya” and discussed issues of mutual relations during the period of the winter peak load operation.