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Head of the Dukhovschinsky district administration thanked Smolenskenergo for the professionalism


Head of the municipal administration “Dukhovschinsky disrict” of the Smolensk region Yury Soloviev sent a letter of thanks to Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division director Sabir Agamaliyev.

The letter expresses gratitude for the professional approach, high efficiency and well organized work in preparing and carrying out exemplary command and staff training on the topic “Organization of civil defense in warfare with the use of conventional weapons” in the territory of Dukhovschinsky district in the Smolensk region, conducted on December 6, 2012.

In accordance with the Plan of the main activities of General Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in the Smolensk region, the objectives of the exemplary command and staff training was to check whether the civil defense plan was real, protection of population of Dukhovschinsky district, a showcase session with department heads and specialists of Civil Defense and Emergencies of municipalities of the Smolensk region on the organization and conducting civil defense, and improving knowledge and practical skills of civil defense and emergency managers and forces of Dukhovschinsky district for the organization of civil defense, emergency rescue and other emergency operations in centres of destruction.

The training took place in several stages, the first of which included the organization of warning, assembly, and development of a solution by Head of civil defense and emergency and tasking the executive staff of civil defense, settlements and organizations of the district. In the second phase the management team practiced their actions during the civil defense measures taking of the 3rd turn. Practical training demonstrations were also held at training points with staff of Dukhovschinsky Distribution Zone with real connection of power supply sources.

“We are looking forward to continued close cooperation and understanding. We wish you health and prosperity in your difficult noble service,”- says the letter of thanks of the head of the municipal administration “Dukhovschinsky district”.

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