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Belgorodenergo summed up the review of the best fire safety state of structural departments of the branch


The review is held every year in order to improve fire safety and fire prevention facilities.

The state of fire safety of structural departments of the branch was assessed by indicators such as staffing with facilities to extinguish fires, fire security and automation systems, and organization of the staff evacuation process in case of fire.

The company’s specialists have analyzed proper storage of flammable materials and substances, the maintenance of vehicles, equipment, substations and power lines, and assessed staff training in fire safety.

The Commission made sure that all Distribution Zones of Belgorodenergo were fully provided with primary means of fire fighting, and the surrounding premises were kept in order, the availability of access roads and evacuation routes complied with fire safety regulations.

According to the results of the review the winner, who demonstrated the best fire fighting state in 2012, became Gubkinsky Distribution Zone. Second place went to Veydelevsky Distribution Zone, third — Rovensky Distribution Zone.

“Most of the equipment used in Belgorodenergo is oil-filled, in addition, the branch has a big fleet of passenger and special vehicles operating on fuels and lubricants, so special attention is given to thorough observance of the rules of fire safety, — said the head of production control and safety of Belgorodenergo Vladimir Rusanov. — Each employee must have a clear understanding that failure to comply can result in significant damage, but even worse — a threat can be put to human life.”

Conducting an annual review for the best fire safety state of structural departments of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division helps to improve fire prevention and the role of staff in fire prevention at electrical grid facilities. Results of the review allow to evaluate the status of fire safety and to develop measures to prevent fires.

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