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Orelenergo overfulfilled its annual plan for clearing ROWs along overhead power lines


Clearing and widening of ROWs along power lines is one of the priorities of power engineers of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division. Implementation of such work allows to reduce the risk of wire breakage due to falling trees.

To date, the company’s specialists have exceeded the annual plan of clearing ROWs along overhead lines by 10%, actually having cleared 751 ha instead of 684 off trees and shrubs. In addition, the power engineers expanded 84 hectares of ROWs along 10-110 kV power lines and also executed the plan for 2012 ahead of schedule. The work was performed in all districts of the Orel region.

To increase the quality and productivity of the staff modern vehicles are used. In particular, this year the branch acquired a mulcher for not just cutting down bushes and young trees, but also utilizing residues.

It should be noted that the company has already developed programs to expand and clear ROWs along 0.4-110 kV power lines for next year. In 2013, the power engineers plan to clear about 760 hectares and extend over 115.4 hectares of ROWs along overhead power lines.

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