IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division took part in the award ceremony of “Legends of the Upper Volga”, established by the weekly “Arguments and Facts in Tver”. The awards in 12 categories were given to the best companies and organizations, rightly included in the golden fund of the Tver region, outstanding individuals who have made an undeniable contribution to the small homeland. The largest regional grid company was awarded in the category “Contribution to the Upper Volga development”. The work of the Grid Control Centre of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division was distinguished as a guarantee of reliability, control and security of the entire power system.
The Tver power system has been in operating for 76 years. Many stories are inscribed in its history. There is time of peace, war, the difficult years of restoration, the rapid development of electric networks. And behind all these events in the activity of the Kalinin, and now Tver power system there are real people who have made a great contribution to the formation and development of the energy industry in the region and the country as a whole.
The successful development of the energy industry occurred in the Tver land started with the entry into force of the famous electrification plan, when a very serious task was set: to merge all the power plants in a single system. The call was followed by concrete actions, and in 1933 there was the first dispatching service in Kalinin. Its creation was given special attention, because it is operators who regulate the flow of electricity along power lines, provide synchronization, reliability and security of the industry functioning.
The central dispatching service developed together with the power system of the region. April 1, 2008 the Grid Control Centre of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division took over the operational management.
It has the installed main and backup central receiving and transmitting station, a backend system, engineering systems, and communications. With the help of remote control distant facilities can be remotely controlled, all changes are displayed on the video wall. Workplaces of operators are equipped with modern communications and telecommunications. Today it is the most advanced technologically Grid Control Centre in the region.
Since the creation of the first control room dozens of years have passed, its technical equipment has completely changed, but its essence has not changed and will never change. Quality of power supply still depends on the work of operators, and being an operator — still honorable, responsible and hard.