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Belgorodenergo reconstructed two high-voltage substations in Novooskolsky district


Power engineers of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division completed the reconstruction of the 35 kV substations “Slonovka” and “Yarskoye” in Novooskolsky district of the Belgorod region. The substations supply electricity to about 30 socially important facilities — seven schools, three kindergartens, two libraries, six boilers, eleven community centres and clubs, industrial and agricultural facilities and 10 villages in Novooskolsky district.

During the reconstruction at both power facilities 35 kV outdoor switchgear, relay protection and automation, and remote control was completely replaced, SCADA control and technology management facilities were upgraded. Modern, more reliable gas-insulated circuit breakers were installed instead of oil ones. They have significant switching resources, easier to maintain, so the amount of repair work is minimum. 35 kV disconnectors are installed with polymer insulation and motor drives, allowing to control the equipment remotely. All reinforced concrete structures are replaced with galvanized metal. In order to ensure the necessary security the substations are equipped with fire alarm and perimeter video surveillance systems.

The substations also have installed modular buildings for operational control centres, which house microprocessor protection panels, a maintenance-free battery, remote control and communication devices that provide continuous monitoring and transmission information on the status of the power facility to the control centre.

Appropriate microclimate conditions necessary for operation of the equipment in the substation control building are controlled automatically. To maintain optimum temperature energy-efficient infrared heaters are used, lighting facility is built with LED lamps, which have high degree of light output with low energy consumption. All the installed equipment is highly reliable, fire and explosion safe, energy efficient and has a long service life.

In addition to social consumers the modernization performed will improve the reliability of power supply of facilities in Krasnoyaruzhsky Grain Company, a subsidiary of which operates in Novooskolsky district, a dairy complex in the village of Yarskoye for 800 heads and a business for raising valuable fish LLC “Pearl of Oskol”, the capacity of which is equal to 3.6 tons of trout and 150 tons of trout caviar, and its production requires a constant temperature and flow of water. Now, these facilities will be provided with uninterrupted and quality power supply.

In addition, now the reconstruction of the 35 kV substation “Artisanal” in Shebekinsky district is completing, which is in the same circuit as the substations “Slonovka” and “Yarskoye” in Novooskolsky district. After upgrading these feeding centres the reliability of electricity delivery to consumers across networks of Belgorodenergo of the above mentioned districts will increase.

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