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Voronezhenergo held a meeting with heads of rural settlements of Kashira district in the region


Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division director Ivan Kleymenov held a working meeting with heads of rural settlements of Kashira district of the Voronezh region.

The main topics of the meeting were: the operation of the electric grid complex of the region through the ​​autumn-winter period, the procedure of grid connection, installation and replacement of meters.

Special attention in the conversation with the heads of the settlements was paid by Ivan Kleymenov to non-contractual power consumption. In particular, he stressed that the non-contractual consumption — is, in fact, theft of electricity, the wrongful acts for which criminal liability is provided for. Particularly, he noted defaulting on payment for the electricity consumption of street lighting fixtures on the part of the municipal authorities.

“The people want to see their street lit, and along with this no one wants to pay for this kind of service. For example, in the village of Boevo in Kashira district there are approximately 300 street lighting fixtures in operation, and only 14 of them are paid from the budget. The rest are operated “illegally”, — said Ivan Kleymenov.

During the discussion, the parties came to the conclusion that the budgets of settlements must put funds to pay for street lighting in full.

Please, be reminded that for all matters relating to the activities of the branch, you can consult by contacting the Customer Service Centres of Voronezhenergo or by calling the around the clock Direct Power Hot Line of IDGC of Centre at 8-800-50-50-115 (toll free).

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