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IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division increases the amount of grid connections for 9 months


Specialists of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division summed up the activities on grid connection to networks of the branch for 9 months of 2012. Last year, the branch received 6153 applications for grid connection of power installations of applicants.

The growth and increase of requests is marked in comparison to the same period in 2011 by 18% (in 2011 the figure was 5043 requests).

During the reporting period, IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division concluded 5331 grid connection contracts with the total capacity of 165.7 MW. In the same period the branch executed 3313 grid connections to the networks for a total capacity of 97.5 MW.

Such a significant increase in the grid connection, according to experts of the branch, is due to the development of small and medium businesses in the region, the growth of individual housing construction and other large commercial, industrial, agricultural and social facilities.

In addition, the experts attribute the growth of the number of requests to the regular ongoing activities to inform customers about the services provided by IDGC of Centre and changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main principle of work of professionals of Customer Service Centres and Districts of Electrical Networks (Distribution Zones) of Voronezhenergo — individual approach to each customer. The priorities of the customer relationship management Office were and are continuously improving the quality of customer service, ensuring monitoring the degree of satisfaction with the services provided by the branch, control of immediate response of technical services for requests of consumers.

You may apply for grid connection at Customer Service Centres of Voronezhenergo at: Voronezh, 9th of January str., 205; Borisoglebsk First May Day str., 95; Liski, Industrial str., 3; Kalach, village of Zabrody, Kirov str., 61; via Russian mail, as well as in the Distribution Zones of the branch. All questions relating to electricity supply can be asked via the Direct Power Hot Line at 8-800-50-50-115 (toll free) or via the internet reception on the company’s website at

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